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Edubuntu Preview Release Feedback

The Edubuntu team is proud to announce the Preview Release of Edubuntu 5.10 [10 September 2005]

This is the beta release for the new distro, Edubuntu - code named "Breezy Badger". The Preview Release consists of an Install CD for the PC (Intel x86), 64-bit PC (AMD64) and PowerPC (Apple iBook and Powerbook, G4 and G5) architectures.

Edubuntu is being developed as a version of the Ubuntu operating system, which is suitable for classroom use. The aim is that an educator with limited technical knowledge and skill will be able to set up a computer lab, or establish an on-line learning environment, in an hour or less, and then administer that environment without having to become a fully-fledged Linux geek. This is our first step towards that goal. Principal design goals of Edubuntu are centralized management of configuration, users, and processes, together with facilities for working collaboratively in a classroom setting. Equally important is the gathering together of the best available free software and digital materials for education.

Basically Edubuntu is built on top of the solid and stable Ubuntu base, and incorporates the LTSP thin client architecture, as well as Educational specific applications, aimed at the 6-18 age group. It also focuses on enabling resource poor environments to maximise their available (older) equipment.

As with Ubuntu, Edubuntu is a Linux distribution for your (education environment) desktop or server, with a fast and easy install, regular releases, a tight selection of excellent packages installed by default, every other package you can imagine available from the network, a commitment to security updates for 18 months after each release. We will also be pursuing establishing a network of professional technical support from many companies around the world.

To Get the Edubuntu 5.10 Preview

Download the Edubuntu 5.10 Preview here (choose the mirror closest to you):

Please download using Bittorrent if possible.

Some of the CD images are larger than 650MB, you will need to ensure you have 700MB blank CDs and a burner capable of using them.

The final version of Edubuntu 5.10 is expected to be released in October 2005.

Please give us your feedback here

Please leave detailed and constructive feedabck with your name. This will help us to improve Edubuntu

Posted By: JeremiahForshey

Hi, I'm the de facto IT department at the small private school where I teach. We were donated some old university computers and can't afford 10 copies of Windows XP, so we decided to try an easy-to-use distro of Linux for our labs. I'm very excited about your project, since it is pretty much exactly what we're looking for. I would love to be able to help with feedback, or in any other non-technical way (I'm a Linux newbie).

My first suggestion would be to streamline the wiki account creation or provide better documentation for it. It took me a while to figure out that this wiki didn't want the account name I registered with Launchpad, but the email address.

I've installed Ubuntu before, but I wasn't able to get your preview edition up and running. I did the default install (perhaps I want the "workstation" install?) and was required to supply my IP address (easy enough), network adapter (choosing eth0 -- kind of a lucky guess -- worked), but even then told me that I'd have to edit the dhcpd.conf file. I'm an experienced Windows user, albeit a fresh-off-the-boat Linux user, and I found the setup process very daunting. Unless someone at a school that wants to adopt edubuntu happens to hack Linux in his spare time, I can't imagine most other small schools having an easier time of it than I did.

Like regular Ubuntu, Edubuntu recognized my machine's onboard graphics and ignored the NVidia TNT2 PCI card that the monitor is actually plugged in to. Unlike regular Ubuntu, apt-get installing it and then editing the xorg.conf file did not allow Gnome to boot. It told me that X-something wasn't configured correctly. Xorg.conf is configured identically on the Ubunutu and Edubunutu machines, but it works with Ubuntu 5.04 and won't work with Edubuntu.

This is somewhere between feedback and a request for some help. We might just have to install Ubuntu, since I'm able to get that one working, but I would really prefer to put Edubuntu on there and be able to provide feedback and support what I think is an excellent project you guys have here.